May 21, 2010

Up and At 'Em... Almost

Hey everyone...

I just wanted to tell you all that I am feeling much better than I was this morning. I took two ibuprofens soon after I updated my blog, and felt well enough to bake the pound cake, wash the dishes, go to the 7-11 for an ice-cream cone, and make some southern style sweet tea. I don't know... I think other things besides the meds have made me start feeling a little better. I read some of the letters people sent with me, I started thinking about Brer Rabbit, and then finally got a chance to sit and listen to my oldies. That always makes me happy. :D I love classical music, and especially piano, which I have heard much of today, but the oldies just make me smile. Speaking of the classical piano... I don't think I told you about Alex. Alex arrived from Dallas from FL, from NY last night. He is the student from Julliard who plays the piano. He is playing a concert here tonight with some of the other group. He, Josh (a new short term member of the Chiba team), and Isaac (a long term intern with the Chiba team who is leaving soon for seminary) came last night after they picked up Alex from the airport. Alex came early this morning and had three eggs and several pieces of bacon for breakfast, and has been here all day. He left about 45 min. ago to get some rest. He has to come back tonight, as I said. I found out something interesting while talking to him this morning... he is the second of 5 children.... I also found out that Aiden's BD is in late May, and Eastin's is in late Sept. :)

I am here now with Aiden and the piano tuner. While I am listening to my oldies, Aiden is enthralled by the piano tuner... Tonight my room is going to be turned into a play room for the boys and their friends during the concert. So I am REALLY glad I feel better, as I will be babysitting them. Then we will have a snack time, and the parents with children will leave because they have a sports day at school tomorrow. Then there will be another part of the concert for just adults. Almost everyone here will be from this building. I have met several of the moms who live here that have children Eastin's age.

I have also practiced using my hashi. If you don't know what that is, you would never survive in Japan, so look it up before you plan a trip over. I haven't eaten any more onigiri lately, but I have eaten some soup that has cabbage, onions, and powdered seaweed in it. I didn't like it as much as the onigiri. I also ate some kind of fish on my rice the other day. :) I have eaten a lot of stuff I never thought I would have... Like salmon and tuna for breakfast, runny eggs, pan fried shrimp, etc. But you know me... if it's given to me at a meal, I'm not going to ask for something else.

Well, I hope you all slept well, (as you won't read this until after you wake up) and have a great day!!! Do keep praying that I continue to improve. My throat is still a little sore, but it's not killing me every time I swallow like this morning.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah, just to let you know that I hope you have fun these next few months in Tokyo.
