Hello everyone, I can't believe it's already Tuesday! Yesterday and today have flown by. Yesterday I had a pretty good day. Yesterday morning Eastin went to swimming, and Aidan stayed home. So he and I did his English reading together, and then he helped me learn the hiragana alphabet. This week I have learned nearly 30 letters of the 71 letter alphabet. The only problem is that there is another complete alphabet to learn, with the same number of letters! What I don't understand is that the letters in both alphabets make exactly the same sounds, but have completely different characters.
After I finally got done with that little project, I 'whipped up' some dinner. We had spaghetti and homemade meat-sauce, with honey glazed carrots. I thought it was the best meat-sauce I've made in the last several attempts....although I think I always say that... :) All together, yesterday was a nice, quiet, enjoyable day.
Today was similar in some ways, but very different in others. This morning I went against custom and spent a long time talking to my family before the boys left... I spent the rest of a quiet morning in deep thought and doing various little chores. I also made two loaves of bread and 4 rolls. Almost all of one loaf was eaten as a snack this afternoon, and I think there are only one or two rolls left! :) After lunch three of Eastin's friends and their mothers came for about 2 1/2 or 3 hours. During which time, I sat at the table trying to figure out what was going on since they were speaking in Japanese. I also went for a 30 minute walk to enjoy some quiet, since all 5 boys were in the den with the adults... I have found out that I love working with children, and I love conversing with adults. But I think that a park (or anywhere outside) where the children can play is the best place to get lots of small children together and still hope to converse with their parents. I don't handle boys screaming well.... :) But the walk helped to clear my head, and refreshed me. After that, I started making supper. Tonight I was able to stuff some mushrooms! I LOVE stuffing and eating them. I also made a simple green salad and some creamy ceasar dressing to go with it. I helped Abi slice some bell peppers and lay them in a pan. Then we put thin slices of beef over it, put the lid on, and cooked it on medium heat. After that Abi put some taco seasoning on it and we had it over rice. It was SOOO good! For dessert we had a fresh-fruit tart that Abi made today... It was really good too. I'll have to post that recipe some time soon. I decided since I've been here that I thoroughly enjoy cooking, I just don't particularly like deciding what to cook. My situation here is perfect for me. Abi tells me the menu for dinner, and I just do what she says... I think I've got the easy part of the job.
Oh! I didn't realize how late it is here... I should really go to bed...
I hope you all have a blessed day. I want to leave you with this bit of song that has been on my mind today...
"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul!"
All my love,