We had to put the boys to bed early, because of various aches or pains. So then we three adults had planned to watch a movie since it was an early evening. Unfortunately no one could choose or agree on a movie to watch. So some of us are enjoying our evening watching some Japanese film, and some of us are doing things we enjoy better...writing and listening to our music...! :) By the way, did I ever mention how much I love my favorite playlists, and a good set of earbuds? Being able to write like this (basically any time I want) really helps me to stay 'calm, cool, and collected', more that I would have thought. It has been really nice writing for the past few nights, because from where I sit to type, I can see the almost full moon out the window. It is absolutely breathtaking to be able to sit here at the dining room table, in a 'foreign' country, on the 28th floor of a building, at 8:30 pm, and see this gorgeous yellow glow around a beautiful, huge, hunk of rock that God has put in orbit around the planet we call Earth. When you think about it like that, you really feel... treasured. To know that a loving God would allow us to see and appreciate beauty like this is a wonderful thing. Some people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder... But I say that beauty is something that reflects God, and something that he allows us to perceive.
Well, tomorrow both boys go to swimming, so it'll be pretty quiet around here before lunch. The start of school does mean that I'll have to start getting up before 7:30, which is what I've been doing while we were still in 'vacation mode.' :( Oh well, God has proved to me so many times this past week that He will give me what I need to see through each day! Please pray that I will trust in Him for the strength I need for every day this week, rather than becoming depressed with my own insufficiency. Corrie Ten Boom once said: "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest." I suggest everyone remember her wise words. Look to God in and for everything! :)
I hope you all have a blessed Lord's day.
All my love,
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