I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July with lots of fun, plenty of food, and time with family. Our 4th was nothing special, necessarily. It was just like any other Sunday. I was expecting it, though... I realized before I came that they would not celebrate it, but it didn't hit me until I was already over here that they (Japan) won't celebrate Thanksgiving either! I understand that they have their own holidays... This week is a celebration of the star god and goddess. All of the school children are supposed to write prayers to the god and goddess for this Wednesday when they supposedly cross paths and grant any prayer. I ask that you pray to the only God this week for all of these children... Especially for Aidan and Eastin as they are expected to do it too. Today Eastin had to turn in his 'prayer'. Roger wrote a prayer for him to the God who made the stars, but Aidan has to do his own. Pray that they will see and understand the truth.
Today has been my day off, since I had to work on Saturday. I have really enjoyed it. I think maybe I'll start wanting Mondays off rather than Saturdays... I am always more tired on Mondays anyway. I slept this morning until 6:15. Then I got up and closed my curtains and went back to sleep. I got up at 9:15. After I had breakfast I went for a walk. I started by jogging down 28 floors worth of stairs, rather than taking the elevator. If I calculated correctly, I went down 252 stairs. Then I went for about a 30 minute walk around the tip of the island and back. When I came back, I ran up the stairs from the first to the seventh floor. Then I walked from the seventh floor to the fifteenth floor. I took the elevator the rest of the way up. :) I was impressed with my self. When I got back I was so hot (because there is no air flow in the stairway), and out of breath (because I was hot), that I had to lie down on my futon to cool off. I went to sleep and slept for a little less than an hour. Then I had fried rice that Roger had made for lunch. He makes what is probably the best fried rice I've ever had! Then he and Baby and I went to get my signature stamp. That's what you can see in the pictures. It says 'H' in English, and then has my last name in Japanese. It is translucent green. I think it's really pretty, even though it's by no means the most expensive thing... The most expensive one I saw was something like 167,500 yen. Can you imagine?!! I included a picture of me holding it so that you can get a size reference, and then it in its case and a sample of the stamp. Sorry I forgot what it's called in Japanese.
I also included a picture of myself. I did this so that you can see how long my hair is now... I took this picture this morning after I washed my hair. I haven't had it cut since early April. I realized this morning that my hair hasn't been this long in a very long time, and probably won't be again. I am getting it cut on Saturday, so I wanted to take a picture of it while it's still attached. :) I'll also post a picture after I get it cut...
Well, I can't think of anything else very interesting to write about right now, so I suppose that will be all.
My love to you all!
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