On Sunday, ...I won't even go there. I had better just say that it was a very hectic day for me that started out too early, was too full in the middle, and ended with my tripping coming up the subway station stairs and nearly tearing off my toenail! The weather was nice, though, and it was cool enough for me to wear my favorite tiered skirt. Colin was filming on that day too. They are making two different movies. This one is about what all goes into making a church in the middle of a huge city where you rent a room for four hours every week as your sanctuary. I think that both movies will be very good when finished.
On Monday Colin and I went to Asakusa, to visit the major Buddhist temple that is there. It is a major tourist location, and I felt that it was worth seeing since I had never seen it before. There were SOO many people there! Colin and I took lots of pictures while we were there. We also explored the surrounding area. I think it was possibly the best day I've had in Japan the whole time I've been here. I feel like I keep harping on this, but having someone to talk to and with whom I can relate makes an entire world of difference!!! We had lunch together in a little ramen shop a little ways away from the main tourist stream. It was very good. I love this first picture for several reasons. Not only can you see a glimpse of the old and traditional ways of the Buddhists as this woman gives an offering and prays before entering the temple, you can also see the flood...the masses... of tourists in the background as they make their way up the street. I took this picture after we had come through that mass of people. As I turned around to leave the temple this scene caught my eye. I couldn't believe I had just come through that! The other two pictures are fairly good as well. In the second picture you can see Colin and me in front of the temple doors. The last one is a picture of the gates leading to the temple itself with the huge lanterns. Colin took many more on his camera, and perhaps I'll be able to share them later. We got home around 3:30, and then I did the boys' English lessons with them and baked potatoes for dinner while Roger and Colin worked on editing the movies. I took the boys to the park to let out some energy right before it got dark... Then after I had cleaned the kitchen, and everyone had finished practicing instruments and editing movies, we watched a movie together. I liked it a lot. It was called 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'. I sat on the edge of my seat almost the entire time... It was suspenseful yet funny. Also, it had James Stewart as the lead character, so that made it all the better. :)
Well, I suppose that is about all the interesting things that have happened lately... Of course, just being here and the every day things in life are interesting, but they are far too numerous to relate! I'm sure that in a few hours I will think of something else I meant to write, but I don't remember anything else at the moment. :)
It is nearly lunch time, so I suppose I shall go and find some leftovers to confiscate. :)
All My Love,
These are amazing pictures! I'm glad to see you enjoying your time with your brother. Have lots of fun while he's there with you.