Nov 9, 2010

Another Week

 Well, I can't believe it's been a full week since the last time I wrote anything! In a way it seems like it's been two weeks, and in another way I can't believe it's been that long! Time does fly... In the last week, lots has happened, but not much has happened outside the ordinary. 
I did have my calligraphy lesson on Wednesday morning. It went well I think. Eastin and Hinako soon tired out and left me writing all by myself. Below, you can see two examples of my work... The first one is the word (or kanji) for dog. The stroke on the bottom right hand corner of the character is very difficult to master. If you had seen my first attempts at it, you would be proud of my achievements with this one... Also, the two small characters on the left hand side represent my name - ha-na - spelled in katakana. On the second page of kanji that you see, I've written the words for 'one', 'two', 'three'. The word for 'one' is a single line... 'Two', is two lines, and 'three' is three lines. The numbers get much more complicated after that. I am quite proud of my work. It doesn't look nearly as good as my teacher's, but she's been doing it for a long long time. She gave me, as a gift, one of her pieces of work. She gave me the kanji for 'dream'. It is quite lovely. I just have to find a way to get it home undamaged! 

I suppose the next big thing that happened was the vision fair on Saturday afternoon. I think I went well. There were some people there I never imagined would come. It was great! Most of the people from church came, and lots of people that we know from around here. I was able to stay outside on the deck most of the time with the boys so that they didn't have to sit still in that little room. I also managed to see both videos that Colin made while he was here. Everyone seemed to enjoy them...especially the one where they interviewed random people on the street! 

On Sunday Jenna and Melanie came from Chiba to go to church with us. It was great to finally get to meet Melanie! (She is a new teacher for the missionary school, and just arrived last week.) I think the three of us are going to have lots of fun together. We have already planned how to spend every weekend together until I leave for Christmas. :) It's gonna' be great!

I don't think I've said anything about Eastin's "railroad tracks." Eastin got hurt two weeks ago, and had to have seven stitches on his forehead. On Thursday he gets to have them taken out! His cut has healed amazingly! He will only have a very small scar left afterwards. The first time he saw himself in the mirror after getting the stitches he said,  "Mommy, I have railroad tracks on my head." :) So now I always refer to them as his 'railroad tracks'. 

Well, I finished my share of a big bowl of popcorn and a glass of milk, so I'm as happy as happy can be. Now I'm pretty tired because I feel like I've been going like the energizer bunny practically all day, even though I don't guess I've done that much... So since it's 9:00, I think I'll hit the sack, turn in, go to bed, or whatever you want to call it! :) You know... I didn't feel that great when I started writing... I felt like I should write something, but didn't really know what or where to begin. Now I feel great, and feel like I could keep going except that I'm so tired. :) Writing makes me happy! It doesn't matter to me that I'm no Charlotte Bronte or Louisa May Alcott. I just enjoy writing down my thoughts and sharing them with others! :)

May God bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Good night!

All my love,

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