Nov 11, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, try try again!

Hi everyone! I just had to drop a quick note this evening to let you know that I feel quite pleased with myself! After a day which was not very productive, I made myself feel like I accomplished something today within the past 1 1/2  hours. Aidan got a set of origami paper the other day and has been begging to open it. I have never had much luck with the art, but decided to give it a try since he was having trouble figuring out his lion. I helped him with his lion, made one myself, and then made one for Eastin.... (Then Eastin decided to make a zoo, so he numbered the lions... Mine was number 3, hence the large '3' on its side.) After that, I decided that our zoo needed a pink elephant. I found instructions online for an origami elephant, and tried to make one... It turned out well enough, but I think that somehow the head got folded in upside down... Don't ask me how on earth that happened! I admit I myself burst out laughing... :) Then and there I decided that pink elephants were a little beyond my expertise. Feeling a little beaten, I found something simpler... A nice butterfly... The butterfly worked, and looked good. After that I wanted to make a cube... So I found directions for a cube  and got started.... The cube turned out well! The odd thing about it was that it was a 'magic cube'. The cube turns into a rose! I can not only make it from a rose into a cube, but more impressive, I can turn it from a cube back into a rose! Being my first attempt it is not very neat, but it still looks pretty if you ask me! I am quite pleased with it! While I still don't know how to make a paper crane, I can make a lion, a greenish-yellowish ugly colored butterfly (the color really does look better than it does in the picture), and a magic rose cube!!!
I am so glad that I stuck with it and got it done!!! Enjoy my rose, and have a great day wherever you may be! :)

All my love,

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