This morning has started out well for most of us. (Pray for Abi. She's not feeling well today.) Roger and I made breakfast and fixed lunches for the boys. After we got them off to school, I tried to put Coen down for a nap. He did not want to nap. He just wanted to cling to me. I held him for about an hour and sung him to sleep finally. Unfortunately when I put him down he woke up and started crying. So finally I just put him down and stood outside the door where he couldn't see me. He cried for about 5 minutes. After that he went to sleep. By then it was about 9:45. After he stopped crying I had time for a shower and some coffee. When I came back into the living room, I was immediately struck by the view. I see it every day, but today it seems different....somehow clearer and more brilliant.... I've never had to wear glasses before, but it seems like I've been looking at the world through dirty glasses for the past week. I wish I could describe it... I don't know what the rest of the day will look like for me... I mean, I don't know what I'll be doing.
Well, now that I've told all about today, I'll tell you about yesterday. :)
I really don't remember yesterday morning right now. I know that we got the boys off to school and Coen down for a nap before the Japanese language instructor came. I was able to talk to my family while she was here. I really enjoyed that time! After she left I went to fix myself some lunch. Not long after I sat down to eat, Abi, Eastin, and 6 other people came in. I did not know that Eastin's friends and their mothers were coming over for lunch. So we all had lunch together and let the boys play for a while.
I enjoyed talking to the mothers. Two of them spoke English. They were asking me what I am interested in, and what I plan to major in etc, and beef cattle came up...(imagine that)... When they found out that my grandfather raises beef cattle, they all assumed that I am an expert on the taste of beef... Unlike some people, I can tell you more about the beef on the hoof, than on the plate... But that's not what they were interested in. So I tried to find some way to explain the difference in the taste of American and Japanese beef. :) It was really funny...
After lunch, I did some school work with Eastin. I think that what frustrates Eastin the most is his lack of confidence. He can read the words... I know it. But he thinks he can't. Unfortunately, he is not the type that enjoys constant challenge.
After we did a little school, Eastin and I made a peach cobbler. I basically used Poppa's recipe, but since it had to be gluten free, I used tapioca and rice flour instead of baking mix. I thought it turned out pretty well considering that I was guessing on amounts of ingredients. It's funny, but when I do that, whatever I'm cooking turns out better than when I follow the recipe. I've never understood that...
Anyway, after that was done, I took my little charge to the park to blow bubbles. We did that, and then went to walk through the shrine nearby. That's where the two pictures at the top came from. The first one is of a pretty plant I found as I was leaving the shrine. The second one is of the shrine itself . Seeing the shrine was eye opening. As technologically advanced as this country is, and as modern as they are, they still worship at these shrines. There are several in our area. It is very saddening.
After we left there, we came back to the house for dinner. Kieko came last night to help with the music for Sunday. I really like her, and hope to get to know her better.
Well, that is probably enough for now... I should get my things ready for tomorrow when I have an English lesson with Eastin and Hinako-Chan.
My love to you all!
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