Jun 3, 2010

Quick Pictures

Hello all... It is the middle of the afternoon here, so I really don't have much time to write, but I just wanted to share a few of my pictures with you. These were all taken today while I was in the process of baking some bread. (Which was a flop, but tastes really good.) The first picture is just a really cool looking boat that passes here about once a day, that I thought you might like to see. :) The second picture is my bedroom and futon. I realized that the Japanese bed is something that I was interested in before I came, so I thought maybe you'd like to see what a Japanese bed looks like. It's about 4.5'' thick all together, but very comfortable. The third picture is what you see when you look straight over the balcony outside my room. This is the view straight down from 28 stories high. For those of you who are wondering, hanging my camera (or myself) over the edge of the balcony was a one-time thing. I do not intend to do it again. Do not try this at home. The rail of the balcony is three feet of solid concrete, and 1 1/2 feet of glass. I couldn't fall over it.
Anyway, I need to go make meatloaf, so I must go for now....

My love and a good morning to you all,



  1. The boat is cool. I got dizzy looking down from the balcony. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. I always like the pictures. Love you lots.

  2. Twenty-eight stories high is still hard to put into context. We need to realize that some of those tiny buildings below are four stories high!!!! I get dizzy if I look at the picture for too long. lol

    My advice: Stay away from the balcony altogether, especially on those days when you can feel the building swaying in the breeze. :)
