Jun 12, 2010

One Month

Well everyone, I have been in Japan now for exactly one month! I can't believe it. The time seems to have flown by, but so much has happened.
Things have been going well here for the past couple of days. Except that Coen is not feeling well and requires more attention than usual, everyone seems to be doing well.
A lot has happened since I last wrote, so I'll just tell about it in order of happening....
Thursday started like any other day... only slowly.... After we got the boys off to school and put Coen down for a nap, everything was very quiet until about 10:00. After lunch Alex and Roger left to go to a local college. They returned very upset. They said they could feel the darkness on campus. Anyway, when they returned, I was in the middle of making supper, while Abi was trying to get a little boy who didn't want to do school, to read to her. I made coleslaw, mashed potatoes, and fried chicken pieces. I made the coleslaw using Poppa's recipe, which is without a doubt the best I've ever eaten! The only problem was that I didn't have enough mayonnaise to make the sauce, so I had to use yogurt. But I thought it tasted almost the same. I thought the funny thing was that I had to chop, by hand, everything. Using a large knife, I chopped the cabbage and carrots. I made my own pickle relish using baby pickles, too. I thought the whole meal was pretty good. Later that night, we all decided to watch a movie. While Abi put boys to bed, Roger cleaned the kitchen, and Alex practiced, I had some time to think... By the end of my thinking spell, I was surprised when I realized that I had literally not set foot out of the house since Sunday. For me to stay completely indoors for almost an entire week is just not normal. I decided to go for a walk. By the time I left it was 8:45 PM. I practically ran for the next 20 min. After that, it was very nice to take a stroll by the river for the next 25 min. If you've ever been out by yourself at 8:45, you know the feeling, but it was not like that. I was not afraid. I knew that I would be safe. By the time I got back I had cooled off.... Some people I know need to watch a movie when they get stressed.... I need time to be out-doors and talk to myself. That sounds funny, but it really helps me settle down.
Yesterday was busy as well. After 10:00, Roger, Abi, and Alex left to go back to the college. When they got back around 1:45, they said they'd had a much better time than the day before. Then at 3:30, 13 people came over. They had been on a tour of Tokyo, and this was their last stop. We had tea time with them. We served cookies and teas. Unfortunately, Hinako-Chan arrived at the same time they did. She is very shy and didn't want to stay. She and her grandmother left, and came back with her mother about 30 min. later. We had a fun English lesson! I am still amazed by the difference between her and Eastin. Then, after the other people left, Roger and Abi went to see Iron Man 2. It came out here yesterday. Alex offered to take care of the boys so that I could have a night off. He did most everything... including an ice-cream run to the 7-11. :) We watched the first DVD of Fellowship of the Ring. Then I went to bed. It was around 10:00, I think... I feel good this morning! My intention had been to sleep late, but I woke up at 6:30 anyway... My body needs exactly 8 1/2 hours of sleep. No matter what time I go to bed, I will automatically wake up almost exactly 8 1/2 hours later....

Well, I should probably go for now...

My love to you all!


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