Dec 8, 2010

...Lessons from a future housewife:

Good morning everyone - or good night, as your case may be... I am sitting here taking a short break. Today I have taken a shower, eaten breakfast, answered a gazillion emails, washed a few dishes, folded and put away a load of clothes, made coffee, and started to hang out another load of clothes... And it's only 10:00! Think how productive the rest of my day will be! :) 

 ...Anyway. I didn't get on here to tell you minute by minute about my day so far. I wanted to write, because I suddenly had a brilliant idea. I keep telling people that I've learned so much while I've been in Japan. Well, my 'eureka moment' occurred while I was trying to hang out my load of laundry. (Doing laundry provides the second best time to think.) I decided that I should share some of the things I've learned with all of you! So, in each post I remember to do this in, I will impart one fact of housekeeping etc. that I have learned while in Japan. These may be brilliant revelations, common sense helps I've figured out, or life lessons that should be applied to housekeeping that I've learned by word of mouth or learned the hard way... 

 So since I don't have a lot of time to sit here and write about more, I'll go ahead and close with my new "lessons from a future housewife." 

           I'm not sure which category this falls under. I think it could be classified as a brilliant  
          revelation, common sense help, or even a life lesson I learned the hard way... 

#1 - Never ever EVER wash a disposable diaper in a load of clothes. (Trust me! The results are disastrous!) This rule should be closely adhered to especially when black articles of clothing are in the load. 

This rule was realized when I found lint all over the load of clothes I was hanging out.. I wondered what on earth could have made so much lint, until I found the remains of a pull-up that had been accidentally tossed in with the rest of the clothes. I'm guessing that when Eastin changed out of his pajamas, he forgot to separate the pull-up from the pants... The rest, as they say, is history.  

That's all for now...

All my love,

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